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We are honored to introduce you a new art auction.


The idea has been brewing for years but the final push came from the TV show “Ten frames”. Apparently, every artist has come across this kind of attitude – what does it take to draw a few lines? How hard is it to draw some lines on a piece of paper? What’s an issue to draw a few lines anyways?

I have met with lots of art lovers who wish to obtain a painting as cheap as possible, as it is so easy for the artist to throw these couple of lines on the canvas and an immortal masterpiece is born.


In the mentioned TV show I was asked to paint a simple picture as quickly as possible. I did it. You can see the painting here: ….

The art lovers loved it! And many of them wanted to buy the painting. So the idea was born – the artist paints a picture within a certain time frame (for instance one hour). Conditionally we can call it “What does it take to draw some lines”.

How easy or difficult it is to make a masterpiece with a couple of lines – each viewer can judge it themselves.


What counts in the end is whether the painting opens new doors to new places where we haven’t been before or will we find ourselves on the old beloved tracks where walking is always heartwarming.
